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Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative


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The power of forgiveness is the power of God working in us.

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Episode 97

Do we own things, or do things own us?

Episode 98

The power of forgiveness is the power of God working in us.

Episode 93

The tale of Samsom is a cautionary lesson in the exercise of free will

Episode 94

Never wrestle in the mud with a pig. You'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it

Episode 95

Let's see what truth we can wrestle from a simple slice of bread.

Episode 96

The town of San Cristo Navidad is famous for its Christmas festival

Episode 89

The story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is a lesson

Episode 90

These boys from Judah, heroes of the Old Testament,

Episode 91

The story of this prophet of God inspires us with his courage,

Episode 92

Anxiety and depression can be formidable foes. But there is light in the darkness...

Episode 85

A boy with a crush, a bully and a loving mom help to demonstrate that joy can be the greatest healer.

Episode 86

A first-time Cub Scout leader learns a lesson we can all benefit from.

Episode 87

Salvation is found in the manger. This central element of Christmas is wonderfully illustrated

Episode 88

Only a fool would die for something they knew to be a lie...

Episode 81

This poem, based on Proverbs 31:10-31, is a beautiful tribute to Mothers on their special day.

Episode 82

Sometimes the wisdom we need can be found in our own memories.

Episode 83

When it comes to faith, God often does His most powerful work through the little things.

Episode 84

When we take the time to pass skills and knowledge to the next generation, memories and values pass right along with them.

Episode 77

This Civil War tale reminds us that the job of peacemaker starts with us.

Episode 78

Sometimes in following Jesus there is a price. This story explores the depths that price can reach.

Episode 79

This parable relates the story of David and Goliath - as told by a very… interesting participant.

Episode 80

This familiar Bible story reminds us of Jesus’s wisdom and forgiveness.

Episode 73

A muddy lake and a dry streambed are the perfect metaphors for this story of being filled with the righteousness of God.

Episode 74

The fox is on the run and the dogs are pursuing. This parable illustrates the quality of mercy – in a way you may not expect.

Episode 75

The pure in heart are all around us. We just need to see them through God’s eyes.

Episode 76

Christmas is a time for miracles. And with God, those miracles often come from the most unlikely places.

Episode 69

Based on Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, this story gives us a hilarious new look at a classic story.

Episode 70

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. This parable teaches us that we can be poor in material things,

Episode 71

A woman’s love for a stray cat helps her discover God’s love and mercy.

Episode 72

This light-hearted parable, based on Jesus’ words Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,

Episode 65

The charming Thanksgiving parable reminds us that unforeseen blessings wait just beyond our acts of kindness.

Episode 66

This Christmas parable, based on O. Henry’s short story, The Gift of the Magi, reminds us that the most precious gift we can give is love.

Episode 67

What could cause a man to become the most wealthy – and most despised man in town? And what would it take to find redemption?

Episode 68

God gives wisdom to those who need it – and who needs it more than parents!

Episode 61

This story of two little boys at play in the park reminds us to never put at risk what money can’t buy.

Episode 62

A little girl’s passion for a beautiful flower is the inspiration for this story of God’s love and faithfulness.

Episode 63

This parable, set in Africa, speaks to the incredible grace and generosity of the African people found within the struggle for life.

Episode 64

Fear is a powerful enemy. Do we have the weapons to face this intimidating foe?

Episode 57

The story of two mothers with daughters named Rachel, and how these women became the answer to each other’s prayers.

Episode 58

This lighthearted story, based on the Parable of Great Price, teaches us that the Kingdom of God has its greatest value when it is shared.

Episode 59

This parable celebrates the power of an apology and the blessings of forgiveness.

Episode 60

This charming parable encourages us to offer the Agape love of God to ourselves.

Episode 53

Follow the adventures of the Neighborhood Street Cookie Club as they learn a little something about the magic of Christmas.

Episode 54

Let’s see what a couple of Labradoodles can show us about God’s love.

Episode 55

This Irish parable invites us to find the hidden blessings beyond our fears and doubts.

Episode 56

We all seek lives filled with success and satisfaction. But sometimes we need a nudge (or a shove!) in the right direction.

Episode 49

There’s a superhero hiding in all of us. A parable about the armor of God.

Episode 50

A truly wise man never walks the grass alone. This African parable is a story of pride, redemption and the power of friendship.

Episode 51

God is the consummate artist. And in His hands our lives can become a masterpiece.

Episode 52

Based on Jesus’ parable of the rich fool, this story shows us that generosity is a condition of the heart.

Episode 45

God calls us to produce good fruit with our lives. But do we know what that really means?

Episode 46

This parable is the story of Gideon – a most unlikely hero.

Episode 47

In the hands of God, even the broken pieces of our lives become beautiful works of art.

Episode 48

She made a bargain with a gator. What could possibly go wrong…

Episode 41

None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something. Starfish invites us to touch the life of a child in Zambia

Episode 42

This story is a retelling of the Parable of the Good Samaritan – in a way you’ve probably not heard it before…

Episode 43

The Christmas parable is a celebration of faithfulness.

Episode 44

Sometimes discipline can be the greatest expression of love.

Episode 37

Our adversary often uses the small things to put big things in the path of our faith.

Episode 38

Sometimes God delivers us from pain, and sometimes he holds us through it…

Episode 39

God’s love can heal even our greatest hurts. But what about the scars healing leaves behind?

Episode 40

Sometimes God uses the smallest things to remind us of His great love.

Episode 33

Why do we sometimes fail to recognize Jesus…when he’s standing right in front of us?

Episode 34

This parable reminds us to keep pride from spoiling our giving.

Episode 35

Why do we sometimes feel so dry in our relationship with Christ? Because He is at work in us. A story of maturing as Christians.

Episode 36

How do we respond when God inconveniences us? A story of His strength in our weakness.

Episode 29

So many voices vie for our attention. How do we hear God through the din?

Episode 30

Free will is a wonderful gift from God and comes with awesome responsibility.

Episode 31

Based on the story found in Luke 10:38-40, this parable teaches us that God loves us for who we are, not what we do.

Episode 32

What if Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine was set in the present day…

Episode 25

Even a silly rhyme can reveal God’s truth.

Episode 26

The Story of the Rich Young Ruler. But this one starts where you’ve always heard it end. A story of God’s redemption.

Episode 27

You offer a treasure when you offer everything. A parable of giving.

Episode 28

No matter how prepared we think we are, we need to listen for the voice of God. This familiar bible story reminds us to listen to that calling from the shore.

Episode 21

Enjoy the adventures of Willie, Billy and Jan – the Saturday Payback club, as they teach us a little something about grace and forgiveness. Scriptural Reference Romans 12:17-19

Episode 22

The Touch is a parable based on a familiar Bible story found in Luke 8:43, and illustrates the power of affliction, faith and healing.

Episode 23

Grandpa’s gift is a heartwarming story of enduring love between grandparents, children and grandchildren.

Episode 24

The story of the nativity is the story of God’s great love for us…no matter who does the telling.

Episode 17

Huckleberry Scones asks the age-old question; when called upon, can we offer a defense of our faith?

Episode 18

In this Parable, we learn that only a grace filled, loving Father can place the baby in the Straw.

Episode 19

What do we do when we are called to stand against those whose opinions we value most? A parable of peer pressure set against the time of the Exodus.

Episode 20

Assumptions and judgments based on appearance usually cause nothing but trouble. The Vulture and the Otter is a charming taie that brings this point home through an early morning talk between a father and his daughter.

Episode 13

This parable tells us the story of a cowboy on his last ride and shows us how God speaks to us through His beautiful creation.

Episode 14

Imagine you are Timothy McGuire and you have two dogs living in your yard – the loyal Shine and the scheming, plotting Rickett. You know, whichever dog you feed will be the stronger dog… A parable about the dual natures within us all.

Episode 15

Follow the adventures of little Scotty Patton as he teaches us all a valuable lesson on the power of friendship.

Episode 16

This parable is a gentle reminder to appreciate the blessings we may be missing and to see the world through God’s eyes.

Episode 9

Join Pepper on his crazy adventures in this re-telling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Episode 10

What would the story look like if Jesus’s Parable of the Vineyard Workers was set in America?

Episode 11

Meet Earl, the grumpy curmudgeon. That is until he meets Rusty and learns the life-affirming power of mentorship.

Episode 12

Meet Tongue the dog, Gossip the cat, and see what mayhem ensues when Tongue chases after Gossip.

Episode 5

The story of Noah's ark, told through the eyes of his sons. What do you do when Dad says God told him to build a boat in the middle of the desert?

Episode 6

Flawless takes us inside a jewelry store and introduces us to a jeweler and his son, as we explore the nature of perfection and imperfection. Flawless will challenge you to see your flaws as God sees them, through the eyes of his redeeming son.

Episode 7

In The Rule of Thumb we look at the unique and amazing body of Christ from a new – and hilarious point of view. What happens when one member of the body calls it quits?

Episode 8

Have a box of tissues handy as you listen to this powerful modern-day parable. Gabriella’s story explores the depth of a father’s love.

Episode 1

This parable tells the story of the Sew Powerful Purse Project and illustrates how God often uses the small and insignificant to accomplish His will.

Episode 2

This whimsical tale is based on the parable of leaving the ninety nine sheep to find the one that wandered away. It's a story of love and boundaries.

Episode 3

The Pandaroo is a mythical creature - half panda bear and half kangaroo. What happens when you feel like you don't fit in? Does the Great Creator make mistakes?

Episode 4

Based on the parable of the man who builds his house on the rock. Told through the true story of the hurricane that destroyed Galveston, TX in 1900.