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Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative
Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative

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People Of Hope

We’re on a mission to offer hope and opportunities.

Help Provide Hope!

We’re on a mission to offer hope and opportunities.

Sew Powerful

Sew Powerful is a Christian ministry that exists to employ and empower people to pursue life in all its fullness. We do that by creating purposeful products that change communities-things like school uniforms, reusable hygiene pads, soap, and farm fresh food.

In Zambia, we employ our team with good paying jobs. They do well by doing good and are supported by thousands of volunteer coworkers from around the world. This allows us to have an incredibly low overhead rate and a huge impact. You can give with confidence knowing that we are careful stewards of the funds we receive.

Women And Girls Empowerment

151,861 Girls Assisted

A Sew Powerful Purse provides a girl with the hygiene supplies she needs to stay in school all month, even on her period. Thousands are waiting.  



911,166 Weeks of School Enabled

One purse helps the average girl reclaim 6 weeks of school a year. Academic success is improved.



122 Staff in Zambia

Our passion is creating jobs to produce purposeful products. Our team members do well by doing good - and their households are transformed as they transform their community.



1,673 Volunteers Mobilized

Our mission is made possible by the generous donation of time from volunteers around the world. It's a foundational part of all we do.  

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Every Purse Helps Change A Life