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Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative
Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative

A Win-Win-Win

A Win-Win-Win

By Marcy Mahle—Centerville, Ohio

In the Spring of 2014, I discovered the wonderful website of Liberty Jane’s Pixie Faire. To my delight, Pixie Faire had many clothing patterns for dolls from many talented designers. Eagerly, I signed up for their emails.

One day I received an email about a project called Sew Powerful, sponsored by Liberty Jane’s owners Jason and Cinnamon. They supplied a purse pattern and asked their readers to make purses that would be taken to Zambia, Africa. These purses, filled with personal hygiene supplies, would be given to school-age adolescent girls.

To me, it sounded extraordinary that the girls had been missing up to six weeks of school each year. The hope was that the girls would stay in school because of these purses filled with personal hygiene supplies that helped them during menstruation. I also learned that their school was in one of the poorest sections of Lusaka, Zambia.

I was also amazed to learn that Jason and Cinnamon were sponsoring a sewing school where women learned how to sew. Both sewing and knitting machines were supplied by Sew Powerful. These women also made school uniforms for the children. The parents, who are very poor, were able to buy the uniforms at a reduced price. Also the sewers made a variety of other items that they sold. It was a win-win-win for everyone involved and the best part was that everyone kept his or her self-respect. They were not simply given money. The sewers were taught a means to earn a living, the parents bought the uniforms, and the girls stayed in school, securing the hope of a future.

Once again in 2015, I received another message about the second year of Sew Powerful purses. I printed out the pattern and got to work. This year, I decided to spread the word amongst my family and friends. Thankfully many of them are now including Sew Powerful amongst the organizations they give donations to.

Sew Powerful is a wonderful organization that gives people the tools to help themselves and to keep their self-respect. I pray that it will keep growing and that its help will spread to many more in need. May God bless Jason and Cinnamon in all their good work.


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