Everything you need to find or start a Sew Powerful Chapter
Chapter Formation
What is a Chapter?
A local group of 3 or more enthusiastic people, meeting regularly, at least 4 times per year. They are organized for the sole purpose of encouraging and enabling the production of Sew Powerful purses and notecards.
A Chapter is friendly, welcoming, and encouraging. A Chapter makes its own decisions about choosing a name, selecting a leader, deciding where and when to meet, how to handle meeting structure, supplies and expenses.
Sew Powerful will provide a framework as a starting point, then Chapter Leaders will have access to exclusive materials and contacts with volunteers who can answer questions and point you in the right direction. The Leader will periodically be asked to provide Chapter metrics. The Leader is one who will create a sense of community, accountability and commitment while following quality guidelines, and staying up to date on Sew Powerful patterns, policies, and procedures.
Why Form a Chapter?
More than 85% of respondents to our 2021 survey said they would be interested in meeting other Sew Powerful purse makers. They wanted to be of service to others (69%), have friendships (68%), and share materials and supplies (51%). As many as half the respondents wanted to meet at least monthly, with 80% willing to drive up to 30 miles (or kilometers) for meetings.
Joining groups satisfies our need to belong, gain information and understanding through social interactions, define our sense of self and social identity, and achieve goals that might elude us if we worked alone.1
Would you like to start a Sew Powerful chapter in your community? We can help you get started. Simply fill out the form to let us know you are interested and we will walk you through the process. Our 45-minute 'Let's Get Started' video will provide the background, tips, and resources you need. CLICK HERE to get started.
1 Forsyth, D.R. (2021). The psychology of groups. In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from http://noba.to/trfxbkhm.
The map (right) shows the locations of purse makers in the US. We don’t have purse makers and Chapters everywhere in the world, but we are working on it. Click on our purse makers map to find exactly where we have existing and 'potential' Chapters. Express your interest to inquire about joining or making a new friend and local connection.
Here is a sample of our Chapters in Action
Indy Powerful | Kindred Spirit Purse Makers | Sew My Dream | Sew Sisters of NW WA | Purses With Verses | Lacey~Oly Crafty Sewers | Kitsap Crafty Crew | The Eclectic Bag Ladies | Valley of the Sun Purse Makers | Son Sewers | Sew Powerful of NE Iowa | PurSEWverence Chapter | Queen City Charis Crafters
Why We Need Your Help
To Keep the Girls in School
Girls who stay in school all month long are much more likely to pass their 7th grade exam, allowing them to pursue secondary education in Zambia. Failing this test ends all educational opportunities.
To Break the Cycle of Poverty
Imagine girls missing a week of school every month because they don't have the supplies to manage their periods. It won't take long before the girls are so far behind in their studies that they drop out of school, ending their chance for formal education, better job opportunities and hopes of breaking the cycle of poverty.
To Reach 3,800 Schools by 2030
Girls in Zambia are waiting for our assistance so they can attend school all month, even on their period. We’ve helped thousands of students, but there are many more waiting for our help. By 2030 we hope to make our program available to all 3,800 schools in Zambia.
Chapter Leaders' Feedback
Let's Get Started.
Why Register Your Chapter?
When you register your new Sew Powerful Chapter, you will have exclusive access to content developed just for Chapter Leaders. We have things like feedback forms, sample communications, survey results to guide you, free access to the We Are Sew Powerful book, the Chapter & Verse Newsletter and invitations to periodic Zoom meetings with other Chapter Leaders. You will be given names and contact information for Sew Powerful Regional Coordinators and Area Managers who can help you get started and answer your questions.
You will also be the first to have access to training classes developed just for Sew Powerful volunteers and invitations to special in-person events. If you are open to having new members, your registered Chapter will allow us to notify you when someone in your area wants to join. We look forward to adding your group to our growing roster of global Sew Powerful Chapters.
To get your own copy of the Chapter Formation Starter Kit, CLICK HERE.