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Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative
Learn More About Our South Africa Initiative

Help Provide Hope!

We’re on a mission to offer hope and opportunities.

Donate to Honor
a Loved One

Celebrate any special occasion or
with a gift to Sew Powerful

How Your Gift Can Change Lives

When it is time to honor or memorialize a loved one, can you think of a better gift than providing jobs for adults and education for schoolgirls in Zambia? We can’t either. That’s why Sew Powerful has developed a way for you to celebrate your loved one with a one-time financial gift of any amount.

It is as simple as 1-2-3 after you select the Donate Now button below. Here is how it works:

1. Name the person you want to honor, the occasion you want to celebrate and the amount you wish to donate.

2. Sew Powerful will automatically send you a reply email with an attached greeting card suitable to give or send to the honoree.

3. You will print the greeting card yourself on standard paper, add a personals note, and your card is ready to go.

So thoughtful, so easy, and SEW very much appreciated!

What Your Gift Means To Those Living In Poverty

Your financial donation will be used to continue our Sew Powerful mission in the African country of Zambia. Sew Powerful trains and employs women affected by extreme poverty, empowering them to earn a good wage, provide for their families and know the dignity of work. Each year, Sew Powerful seamstresses sew tens of thousands of reusable hygiene pad sets. These hygiene sets, along with soap and underwear are gifted to schoolgirls in Zambia in a beautiful handmade purse sewn and donated to Sew Powerful by volunteer purse makers around the world.

Without these hygiene sets, girls often miss school during their period, greatly impacting their school performance. Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty in Zambia and saving girls from a life of hardship and exploitation. Your donation, made in honor or memory of your loved one, will bring a miracle to the life of the seamstress, as well as the countless girls who will benefit from their work.

Choose The Occasion For Your Donation

Preview the greeting card you can share with your loved one. Click on an image to see the entire card.

Plant A Garden





Father's Day



Mother's Day

New Baby

Thank You

Thinking of You

Valentine's Day


Any Occasion


Q. Why should I print the greeting card myself instead of having Sew Powerful provide an actual card to give to my honoree?

A. This is a DIY process which allows us to operate it with no cost and give you a speedy outcome.

Q. How will I create a greeting card? What about an envelope?

A. Using your home printer (color or black and white) print the attachment that will come in a reply email after you complete your donation. Page 1 is the greeting card. Simply fold it and write a personal message on the inside. Page 2 is the template for you to print, cut and glue an envelope that will perfectly fit your card. Address the envelope, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail.

Q. What size paper is needed to print the greeting card and envelope? How much paper do I need?

A. You will need two pieces of paper, one for the card, and one for the envelope. Each piece of paper should be 8-1/2" x 11". This is the size of standard copy paper in the United States.

Q. I don't have a home printer. How will my honoree know I've made a donation?

A. When you fill out the donation form you will have an option to have Sew Powerful notify your honoree by email. You can even send a personal message that will be included in the email.

Q. Is there a minimum amount I must donate?

A. You can donate any amount you wish. There is no minimum or maximum. Presently it costs about $10 to cover the cost of labor and materials in Zambia to fill one purse with the feminine hygiene supplies. Use that as a guideline in determining how many girls you want to help. Or if you wish, donate the amount you would have spent on a purchased greeting card, fuel to drive to the store to buy it, and your time to do all that.

Q. What if I want to send a card for a holiday or occasion where there is no greeting card offered?

A. When you fill out the form, there will be an option to name the occasion when you choose 'Other'. Your card will be beautifully designed and suitable for a number of different occasions, but not customized. That is where you come in. Write a personal message inside the card explaining the reason for your donation.

Q. Can I see the greeting cards before I make a donation?

A. We thought you would never ask! Yes, just scroll up to preview each of the beautiful greeting cards we offer.

Donate to Honor a Loved One